105 results for ""
Under all forms you'll find all forms that are available in Altinn. From here you can either search for the form or choose from the categories. If you don't know the name of the form, but know which agency it's from, you can also sort the list by agencies.
If you are unsure about which form to use, you need to contact the recipient or the relevant government agency.
You must at least have one role or right on the organization or person in question, to be able to create a request.
How to do it:
When you open a form or a service you have no rights to, you can click on the button "Request access".
You can also request access by selecting the menu Profile, the sub-menu Forms and services you have rights to and then choosing the Create new request button. On the next page, search for the form or service you want access to.
This happend when delegating:
Those who can delegate rights to you will see your request when they log in. You will receive confirmation by e-mail from Altinn when the request has been accepted.
Rejected request:
Unfortunately, you will not be notified if the request is rejected.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person (Organizational section) *
- Deputy Chair *
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Board member*
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
This page only shows results from the Help Center. Click here to search for "" in other content in Altinn.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person (Organizational section)
- Deputy Chair *
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Deputy Chair *
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Board member *
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
Choose the party you want to change rights for, and go til Profile.
- If you're removing your own rights, choose Forms and services you have rights to.
- If you're removing rights for others, first choose Others with rights to the organization, and then the person who should lose their rights.
Click Remove one or more rights, and you'll be able to remove all or specific roles.
The activity log shows the history of which roles and rights were given and removed for the party you're repesenting. Only persons who are Access manager can see the activity log.
It is possible to permanently delete forms. For enterprises you have to have the role Access manager.
Once a form is permanently deleted it is not possible to restore.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Official Receiver
To register a comupter system, you need to be Access manager. Make sure you're representing the right party, and go to profile → Advanced settings → Computer systems.
Once you've filled inn the obligatory fields, you will get an ID number in the list below. The list and password you've made should be entered in the computer system you want to use. If you're unsure of how to do this, concact the supplier of the computer system.
Client delegation is a functionality that gives accountants and auditors possibility to delegate roles for the clients to the employees of the accounting/auditing company.
To use this functionality you need to be Client administrator for the accounting/auditing company.
You can either give client roles individually, or you can delegate by file. Delegating by file is used if you want to give roles for multiple clients to multiple employees at the same time.
- Incorrect version of the form.
- Contact the supplier of the computer system.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person NUF
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
In some forms it is possible to assign a signing right by specifying who will sign directly in the form before submission. The right of signature can either be assigned a birth number or an organization number (business).
The parallel signature role is only used if the signature is assigned an organization number. Then there are the external roles mentioned above that can sign, because they have pre-assigned the role of parallel signing. The role can be delegated to others in the business.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person NUF
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
The role gives access to:
- Delegation of roles and rights you own
- Register a computer system in Altinn
- Delete roles delegated on behalf of the entity
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
Step 1: Installing an enterprise certificate on your computer
The provider of the enterprise certificate (Commfides or Buypass) can support you how to do this.
Step 2: Creating an enterprise user in Altinn
Persons with the role Access manager for the enterprise can register and manage users. They do this under Profile → Advanced settings. In order to register a new user you need to upload the certificate. Make sure it’s a *.cer file. If you haven’t received it from your certificate provider, make it yourself by exporting the certificate from your browser (as long as the certificate has been installed on your PC).
How to create a cer-file in Windows: Press the start button → search for: certificate → select Manage user certificates → select Personal → Certificates → right-click on the certificate → press All tasks → Export → then use the default options in the wizard (next) until you come to filename, choose a name for the file and save it somewhere you can find it again.
- Step 3: Delegating roles to the enterprise user
Once the enterprise user is created, the general manager or chairman or someone else with delegating rights, give roles and rights to the enterprise user(s).
The roles are given to the user name under Profile → Others with rights to the organization.
The login method you choose will be connected to a particular security level in Altinn. There are different security level requirements for the various forms and services in Altinn.
If you try to access a service while being logged on with a security level which is too low, you will see a message telling you to log on again, with a higher security level.
Security level 4 – Login with BankID, Buypass, Commfides and BankID on Mobile
If you log on with Commfides, BankID, BankID on Mobile or Buypass, you are logged on with the highest security level. You will need this security level for instance if you wish to sign the form for changing your account number for refunds from NAV or send an official receivers report.
Security level 3 – Login with MinID (via ID-porten)
If you choose to log on with PIN codes for MinID, you will access the second highest security level in Altinn, and will have access to most services.
Security level 2 – Login with Altinn code letter/SMS-code
With one-time code from Altinn, you can log in to security level 2. You can access a range of services.
Security level 1 – Login with only a password
If you log on with only a password, you will have access to a limited number of services in Altinn. You will not be able to change the mobile telephone number in My Profile in this security level.
Security level 0 – Log in without national identity number/D-number
If you do not have a national identity number or a d-number, you can log on with a user name and a password which you have registered. This gives you access to security level 0 in Altinn, and only a few services are available.
1) Stop - Think - Check
Ask yourself what the sender wants you to do. Is the message expected? Fraud attempts are most often connected to a link or attachment you are asked to open.
2) Don’t trust the senders’ address
You may be able to see that the sender address is from someone other than Altinn. Click on the field from, then you should be able to see the sender's real email address. Messages from Altinn can be "noreply@altinn.no/no-reply@altinn.no". For text-messages you may not be able to see who the real sender is, as they can change a phone number into letters, and this way seem to be Altinn.
3) Links and attachments
Never click on a link or attachment in a email or text message from us. Instead, open your browser and log in to altinn.no to check your inbox.
4) Sensitive information
Never give sensitive information, such as account numbers or security codes, if they are requested from an email or text message. If you suspect that you have given sensitive information to an unserious party, contact your bank as soon as possible.
To use this log-in method you first need to create a new user.
You do this by clicking Log in → Proceed to alternative log-in methods → Log in without national identity number/D-number and then choosing Create a new user.
Only a few Altinn services are available using this log-in method, and it's not possible to receive roles in Altinn without a national identity number or D-number.
To use this log-in method you need to register a password under Profile → Advanced settings → Log-in information. This log-in method only gives access to a few of the Altinn services.
What are notification addresses for the enterprise?
The notification addresses are e-mail addresses and / or mobile phone numbers.
Notification addresses are used by the public authorities to notify the enterprise of important messages delivered through Altinn. This means that when the enterprise has provided one or more notification address, the enterprise does not have to receive the messages by paper mail.
All entities in the Register of Legal Entities are obliged to report at least one notification address. The duty does not include subunits, but own notification addresses can be reported for those if the business needs it.
Notification addresses are only available to public authorities. Companies still have the opportunity to voluntarily register their e-mail address and mobile phone number, which should be publicly available in the Register of Legal Entities. These will not be used as notification addresses.
How do I report a notification address?
All enterprises that are to be registered in the Register of Legal Entities must register the notification address simultaneously. This does not apply to registration of subunits.
For existing businesses, the notification address must be reported or changed by accessing the company's profile in Altinn. This requires that you have the right to represent the enterprise in Altinn.
What is the purpose of notification addresses?
The purpose of notification addresses is to ensure that all businesses are able to communicate digitally with the public authorities. In order for enterprises to be able to receive individual decisions and other important messages digitally, the public is obliged to notify that such messages have been sent. For this, the public must have access to alert addresses. They shall be used for notification pursuant to Section 8, third paragraph, of eForvaltningsforskriften (the eGovernment regulation), in connection with the processing and execution of administrative tasks in general.
A government agency that has sent notice to a registered alert address has fulfilled its duty of warning pursuant to Section 8, third paragraph, of eForvaltningsforskriften.
If you have the role Access manager of Main administrator for the chosen party, you can download a file that contains all the users who have access to the enterprise.
This file you will find here: Profile -> Others with rights to the organization -> Download to file. This is a zipfile that contains two csv files, they can be opened in Excel. One contains all the single services and the other contains all the roles.
It is also possible to include sub-entities. For the organization types municipality and county, the files also show delegations done by organisation sections and their sub-entities.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person (Organizational section) *
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
In some cases access to the service is given directly to those who have certain roles for the business in the Register of Legal Entities. What roles that gives access is shown on the form information page in the specific cases. The roles from the Register of Legal Entities are not possible to delegate in Altinn, but can be changed using the form Coordinated Register Notification.
Attachment forms and/or file attachments can be added in List - forms and attachments, you can find it on the top left side of the form.
Open the message and click on Undo deletion.
If you want to transfer data from a self registered user to a SSN or D-number, you can do this under Profile → Advanced settings → Transfer user.
Altinn code letters have 30 codes. You may have used them all, and if so you need to order a new code letter. If your letter has 20 codes, it's for logging in using the MinID part of ID-porten.
ID-porten is a common log-in solution for many Norwegian public services, and contains multiple log-in methods such as MinID, BankID mobile, BankID, Buypass and Commfides.
ID-porten is run by the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir). Help with logging in using ID-porten.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- General manager
- Owner
- Chair of the board
- Partners with unlimited liabilty
- Partners with joint/pro rata liability
The role gives access to:
- All Altinn roles and privileges that the above have, and they can be delegated to yourself and others via the menu "Others with rights to the enterprise.
- Deletion of roles delegated on behalf of the entity.
- Client management.
- Update of "Business Notification Addresses".
The role does not provide access to: - Roles/privileges delegated to the enterprise.
- Ability to delegate "Main Administrator" on to others.
There are three ways to save a form:
- Change between the pages in the form (previous/next)
- Click on one of the funtions
- Click on “To inbox”
If you do this the data you have been entering will be stored.
If you plan on filling out a large field within a form, you should write it outside Altinn. Then copy/paste it into the form, or add it as an attachment (if the form permits it).
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
If you know the title of the message you are looking for, you can search for it.
By clicking on the magnifier glass, and then the blue plus sign, you will be able to limit the results. You can choose to search e.g. only in your inbox, a certain status or period.
If you have an archive reference you can search for it under Status.
In order to represent anyone other than yourself, you need to be given a single service or a role, for the party in question.
The general manager/chair of the board/main administrator of the company can give you access.
Your contact information in Altinn is used to send you notifications via text message/e-mail. This contact information is used when the agencies want to notify you, for example when you have received a message in Altinn.
The information under Your contact information is gathered from the common contact register.
- The user or the system does not have the right to report on behalf of this entity/person.
- Check that the correct national identity number/organization number is used in the computer system.
- Check that you and/or the entity have the correct role needed to use this specific service. You can check this under Profile > Forms and services you have rights to and Others with rights to forms and services.
- Make sure that you use the correct ID for the computer system.
Confidential information is an Altinn role that has not been pre-assigned to any of the roles from the Central Coordinating Register of Legal Entities. This role is intended for services that contain confidential information that key roles in the business will not necessarily have access to.
The role can be delegated by the Main Administrator, and the Main Administrator can also delegate the role to himself.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- No one
The role gives access to:
- Selected services with confidential information
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
To delete roles, find the person you want to remove roles from in the list, and click Edit client rights. You will then see what clients the person has rights for. To change this, click the client and unselect roles or click Remove all. You can also remove all rights for the person by clicking Remove all clients.
If you want to remove roles for multiple people for multiple clients, you can also use client delegation by file. Instructions on how to remove roles is shown when clicking this option.
From November 23, 2023, the button "Proceed to more login methods" will be replaced with the button "Log in without a birth number/D-number."
Logging in with Altinn code letter, SMS-code, or password alone, as well as enterprise certificate, will eventually be phased out. We recommend using MinID or another login method via ID-porten.
If you do not have the option to do this, you can still find login options with Altinn code letter, SMS-code, or password and Enterprise certificate for the time being here: https://www.altinn.no/ui/Authentication
This login change only applies to altinn.no and does not affect machine-to-machine communication (accounting and payroll systems). It will still be possible to authenticate with a enterprise certificate in those systems. It will also be possible to log in to accounting and payroll systems with Altinn code letters and SMS codes until they are phased out gradually.
If someone else than you has your log-in information, it's possible for them to log in using your user. To stop them from doing so, you can disable your Altinn code letter and/or password.
The ID-porten log-in methods has their own disabling service.
To disable the Altinn alternative log-in methods, choose Log in → Proceed to alternative log-in methods and click Disable single-use codes / password.
- By deactivating single-use codes (code letter), the code letter will not work, and you will need to order a new code letter to use this log-in method again.
- By deactivating your password (SMS-code or password only), you will be unable to use the password when logging in. If you use another log-in method, you can enter a new password under Profile → Advanced settings → Login information.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Private person
Delegation of this role only allows access to completion. The right to sign can not be delegated.
Log in using another method and update your password under Profile → Advanced settings → Login information.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Official Receiver
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Private person
- Chair of the board
If you have submitted the wrong password or code ten times, you will be locked out from logging in for 1 hour. This does not, however, apply to the ID-porten log-in methods. Thus you can use for example MinID or BankID to log in.
If you have registered your phone number/emailadress in Your contact information for the enterprise, you will receive notifications for messages that you have rights to access for the enterprise.
The main administrator role can only be delegated by the general manager, the chair of the board, the shipowner or the proprietor. The main administrator cannot relay that role further.
When you have completed a form you need to click Check form to get to the next stage of the process. If everything is in order you will be able to send the form, click Proceed to signing -> Sign and submit.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Auditor
There are two ways to update the certificate on the user:
Option 1 (can only be done before the old certificate expires):
- Log in with the business user here:
- Go to Profile -> Login information
- Select "Add certificate" and upload the cer file. See instructions for creating the file further down.
Option 2:
- Log in with a birth number that has the Access Management role.
- Represent the company.
- Go to Profile -> Advanced settings -> Register new user with business certificate.
- Select "Edit user and certificates" to the right of the username. Delete the old certificate (do not delete the user).
- Add the new certificate by uploading the .cer file.
- There is no confirmation, but no error message = OK.
How to create a cer file in Windows: Press the start button → search for: certificate → select Manage user certificates → select Personal → Certificates → right-click on the certificate → press All tasks → Export → then use the default options in the wizard (next) until you comes to filename, choose a name for the file and save it somewhere you can find it again.
If you are going to delete roles, you do not choose the trustee in the list View roles assigned to user. But choose the estate in question in the list Bankruptcy estate and click on Update.
Underneath, you choose the alternative Delete roles.
You can choose to delete roles one by one, by clicking Delete delegation to the right, or you can choose to delete several roles simultaneously by ticking the box to the left and choose Delete.
If you are deleting many roles, it might be easier to do this through the function Estate delegation jointly.
Note that the roles of the trustee are not possible to delete directly in Altinn, since the trustee has been given his/her roles through the registration in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person (Organizational section) *
- Deputy Chair*
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Board member *
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
- Incorrect user name/password/pin code given for the user who is signing.
- Update the password which is registered under Profile > Advanced settings > Log in information in Altinn.no.
- Make sure that you use the correct code for the elected authentication method.
Try turning your phone off and on again. If you have a twin sim mobile phone, you receive the code on your main sim. Log in using another method and check if the correct phone number is registered in Profile → Advanced settings → Login information.
Click on the message you want to share, then click on Share and give access.
You can choose either people on the list or add new person.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person
- Deputy Chair*
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
- Private person
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
Check that you have chosen the correct party. On the top of the page there is a blue circle, this has a person in it if you are representing yourself, and a building if you are representing an enterprise.
Sub-entities and deleted entities will be visible if you click Show all parties.
Remember to check inbox, archive and deleted.
Click the blue circle on top of the page -> Show all parties. On the page All you parties you can check/un-check the box for Show all sub-entities and Show deleted entities.
You will only be able to see deleted entities that you had roles for at the time of deletion.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
Managing shipowner
Official Receiver
General manager
Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
General partner (national identity number)
Contact person municipality/county municipality
Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
Co-owner/tenant in common
Chair of the board
Create new copy is a function which enables you to change a submitted form. Create new copy you will find when you click on the form in your archive - inbox.
Note: Not all forms has the Create new copy function.
Some forms has a questionmark you can click on to get guidance to the post in question.
Contact the agency that is the recipient and owner of the form, if you need further guidance to complete the form. Find the contact information by clicking About form on the top right side.
To use this log-in method, you have to order a code letter from Altinn. Once a new code letter is used, any older code letters are invalid.
An Altinn code letter has 30 codes, and can not be used for logging in using MinID (that has its own 20 code letter).
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Accountant
You will need the role Application Programming Interface (API).
See this page for more information: For tilgangsstyrer :: Altinn digitalisering - Utvikling
- The service does not exist (invalid combination of service code and edition code).
- Contact the suppplier of the computer system.
Estate delegation jointly is a function which allows the trustee to delegate or delete many estate roles to fellow workers and creditors simultaneously.
The function Estate delegation jointly is located under the menu Profile > Estate delegation while representing the trustee.
We recommend downloading a file with existing delegation, through the button Download. You can use this file as the basis for further delegation or deletion.
You'll find information on how to structure the file under Profile > Estate delegation.
By delegating by file, you can do multiple delegations at once, for multiple employees and clients.
Under Client delegation you find client delegation by file. If you click this, instructions on how to do it is shown.
If you wish to revoke a consent, you do so by opening Consent, and choosing the one you want to revoke.There you can click Withdraw consent.
If you have given a one-off consent to the bank, this cannot be withdrawn.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- General manager
- General partner (national identity number)
- Owner
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
To use this log-in method you first need to log in using another method, and register a password and mobile phone number under Profile → Advanced settings → Login information.
This method is commonly used by users logging in using a computer system with Altinn integration.
In connection with logging into the ID portal, services/clients can request the possibility to retrieve the citizen's data offered by a third party, through an API (retrieving data that is integrated with data from another system). For example, you can give consent for the bank to collect your information from Lånekassen so that you can see it in your online bank.
Delegation of estate roles individually is done under the menu Profile > Estate delegation > Estate delegation individually. Make sure that you represent the trustee in order to find the option Estate delegation in the profile.
On the top of the screen, you can choose View roles assigned to user and Bankruptcy estate. The information that you choose here will determine the result list.
In the list View roles assigned to user you can choose the name of the trustee.
In the drop-down list Bankruptcy estate you can choose which bankruptcy estate you wish to see roles on behalf of.
When delegating estate roles to a fellow worker or creditor, you choose the trustee in the list View roles assigned to user. Further on, you choose the organization number of the estate in the field Bankruptcy estate and click on Update. You will then find a list of roles which the trustee has on behalf of the bankruptcy estate.
In the list, check the roles you want to delegate. Finish bly clicking Delegate.
The trustee automatically receives all roles which are assigned for the managing committee in a winding up, as a result of being registered as the trustee.
- Incorrect ID or password has been used more than 3 times. Everyone in the office using the ID will be blocked for 1 hour.
- Check the computer system ID and update the password in Altinn.
- Alternatively: Register a new ID in Altinn and fill in the new ID and password in the computer system. Can be taken into use straight away.
- Incorrect password for the computer system ID.
- The password linked to the ID can be updated in the menu Profile > Advanced settings > Computer system in Altinn. Click on Edit to the right of the assigned ID and add a password.
- The pin code is no longer valid.
- Ask for a new code through the computer ystem.
If you want to search for messages across all parties you can represent, you can do so by clicking the blue circle on top of the page → Show all parties → Search across parties.
From this page you can search across all the parties you can represent. You'll also be able to save the search, so that you don't have to enter the search information every time you want to make a specific search.
You always log in as yourself in Altinn. If you have rights to represent others, you can choose who to represent after logging in.
To be able to represent others, you must either be registered with a role for the business in the Register of Legal Entitites or a role has to have been given to you in Altinn.
You will find a copy of your submitted form in the archive. This confirms that the form is sent to the agency which will process it.
Once you have signed and submitted a form, you may get a receipt in your inbox.
Every message has a activity log. When you click on a message in your inbox you can find the activity log.
In the activity log you can see who has; created, opened and signed a message. You can also see if there are sent notifications.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Auditor
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- General partner (national identity number)
- Private person
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Chair of the board
This role is pre-assigned the following external roles (in company registered as accountant and auditor):
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Accountant
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Official Receiver
There may be three reasons that you can not find the form you are looking for in deleted:
- It is more that 2 weeks since the form was deleted, in which case the form is automatically permanently deleted by Altinn.
- Someone else have chosen to permanently delete the form
- The form had status For completion before it was deleted
Businesses must ensure that only those who have an official need are given access to confidential information. No one in the company has automatic access to the role Confidential information. Those with the role Main administrator can delegate access to themselves or others, under Others with rights in the profile. If you are not already registered here, select Add new person...
If you want to give someone else access to read a single item that is confidential, the person with the Confidentiality mail role can select Share and grant access from the message in the inbox.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- General manager
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person municipality/county municipality
- Contact person (Organizational section)*
- Deputy Chairman *
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Co-owner/tenant in common
- Board member *
- Chair of the board
* These external roles are not pre-assigned any of the Access Management or Client Administrator roles that are required to delegate.
Most forms have a single service that has the same name as the form. A single service gives you access to this specific form.
You may also receive a role, which contains several single services. On every forms’ information page, look for About this form. This will tell you which role you need to complete the form. (Note: a role gives access to very many forms.)
If you want to search for messages across all parties you can represent, you can do so by clicking Search across parties on the page Show all parties.
From this page you can search across all or some of the parties you can represent. You'll also be able to save thos searches.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Managing shipowner
- Official Receiver
- General manager/Managing Director
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- General partner (national identity number)
- Contact person administrative entity-public sector
- Contact person NUF
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
- Chair of the board
If you want notifications only about certain services, go to Profile → Your contact information for the enterprise → Notification settings → Notifications only for selected services and choose from the list which services you want to be notified about.
Under Forms and services you have access to you can see what roles you have for the party you're representing. By clicking the question mark next to the role, you can see what it gives access to.
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- General manager
- Partner with Full/joint liability (national identity number)
- Owner
- Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
The role is pre-assigned to the following external roles:
- Accountant
When the trustee is registered in the bankruptcy estate in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, the trustee can delegate roles for the estate to his/her colleagues and creditors.
Delegation of estate roles is done under the menu Profile → Estate delegation. The trustee must represent himself as a private person in order to find this option in the profile.
The trustee can also delegate the role Bankruptcy estate management to his/her fellow workers in the office, so that others can delegate estate roles to fellow workers and creditors.
Estate roles can be delegated individually or collectively through file.