Information and Consultation in Companies and Groups with More Than 50 Employees

In all companies with more than 50 employees, the employer must inform and consult on matters of significance with the employees' representatives. For groups with more than 50 employees, specific rules regarding information and consultation apply.

Information and consultation in companies with more than 50 employees

In companies that regularly have more than 50 employees, the employer must share information and discuss important matters that affect the working conditions of the employees. The obligation to inform and consult includes:

a) Information about current and expected developments in the company's activities and financial situation.
b) Information about and discussion of current and expected employment conditions in the company, including any layoffs and measures the employer is considering in this regard.
c) Information about and discussion of decisions that may lead to significant changes in how work is organized or in employment conditions.

Information and consultation in groups with more than 50 employees

The group must establish frameworks for cooperation, information sharing, and discussion between companies and the employees within the group. When we talk about a group, we mean a parent company and one or more subsidiaries. A company is considered a parent company if, through agreements or ownership, it has controlling influence over another company. The primary responsibility lies with the parent company. The form of cooperation should be developed in consultation with a majority of the employees in the group or one or more local trade unions representing a majority of the employees in the group. Plans for expansions, cuts, or changes that may affect multiple companies within the group must be informed about and discussed as early as possible.

The Working Environment Act regarding requirements for information and discussion (in Norwegian only)


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