Ban on discrimination against customers

Anyone who sells goods or services in Norway is required to promote equality and ensure that they are not guilty of discrimination. The venue and layout should generally be set up so that it is as accessible as possible be for all people.

Example of discrimination against customers

An example of discrimination is where someone is refused entry to a nightclub because of their ethnicity or disability. Denying someone access to a product or service can also be a criminal offence under the Penal Code. This applies where the refusal is linked to religion, beliefs, skin colour, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

Exclusion of customers

Refusing to sell someone a product or allow them to use a service, e.g. denying access to a nightclub on the basis of ethnicity, gender or disability, is illegal and may be punished by a fine or imprisonment for up to six months. Nightclubs and restaurants which discriminate against customers for such reasons may have their licence revoked.

The Alcohol Act on revoking license due to discrimination

The Penal Code on discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities

Accessible premises

When you run a business, your premises and their surroundings must be designed so that they can be used by anyone insofar as is possible, without any need for individual adaptation. For example, if the entrance to a shop is not at the same height as the ground outside, a ramp or lift should be provided. There should also be clear signs, and the hard of hearing must be able to use a teleloop. However, not all inaccessibility is considered to constitute discrimination. If it would be too expensive or impracticable to ensure accessibility, the business will not be required to make the necessary changes. This must be considered in each case.

Bufdir on Universal design - terms and terminology

Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud – About universal design and accessibility (in Norwegian only)

Gender Equality Act on universal design (in Norwegian only)

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