
Most goods and services can be exported from Norway without any need to apply for permission. Exports to countries outside the EU must generally be notified in advance to Norwegian Customs. However, you should note that special rules and restrictions apply to some goods. In other cases, there may be restrictions on exporting to specific countries or the recipient countries may impose restrictions on imports.

Responsibilities as an exporter

Although most enterprises use shipping agents to carry out declarations, customs clearance and transportation for them, it is your responsibility as exporter to ensure that the export is carried out in accordance with the applicable rules. In this text, you will find information on common requirements, restrictions and permits which apply to exports.

Customs - Export Guide for Beginners

Product requirements

Before you start exporting your product, you need to know the requirements that apply to your product in the market you intend to sell to. Different countries may have various requirements regarding design, function, labeling, and content of products. Innovation Norway has a guide for product requirements and labeling that will be useful if you are unsure how to proceed to identify the requirements for your product.

Innovation Norway - Guide for Product Requirements and Labeling (in Norwegian only)

International trade - payment forms, delivery conditions and export documents

In international trade, there are a number of important terms which you must relate to. These include payment forms, trade documents, delivery conditions, free trade agreements and origin rules.

As an exporter, it is important to be familiar with different forms of payment and delivery conditions to ensure that the customer pays for the goods, and that the allocation of responsibilities and risk between the buyer and the seller is clarified. The most common forms of payment are open account, cash against documents, letters of credit, guarantees and currency futures, but the choice of solution should be made on the basis of a risk assessment. It can be a good idea to contact your bank to find out the best form of payment for your products.

Innovation Norway on the choice of payment terms and financing solutions (in Norwegian only)

Incoterms are the most frequently used framework for international delivery conditions. In simple terms, the various clauses in Incoterms will determine the point during the journey at which responsibility for the consignment transfers from the seller to the buyer.

Incoterms (in Norwegian only)

Before you can export goods, certain documents must be in place. These documents are called export documents or trade documents. The terms are often used interchangeably. The carrier/shipping agent will generally handle the document management, but you will still be responsible for ensuring that the documents contain the right information.

Prenotification in the form of an Entry- or Exit Summary Declaration

The most common export documents are trade invoices, packing lists, export declarations and shipping documents. Other relevant documents include certificates of origin and various product and health declarations.

Eksporthåndboken (in Norwegian only)

Export and VAT

The export of goods and services from Norway is exempt from Norwegian Value Added Tax (VAT). Normally, local taxes will be added in the recipient country and paid by the customer.  Although Norwegian VAT is not applicable to sales in foreign countries, the turnover will be considered in the calculation basis for determining when you need to register for VAT. You can read more about VAT and VAT registration here

Export restrictions

Most goods and services can be exported from Norway without any requirement for an export licence. However, strategic goods, defence equipment and certain other goods cannot be exported without the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other public bodies.

Export control

Information for exporters

The delivery of certain types of technology and services to other countries also requires permission. In addition, the receiving country may be subject to sanctions or impose its own import restrictions.

Some examples of goods which are subject to restrictions are:

  • fish and fish products - require registration and approval from the Norwegian Seafood Council

    Registering as exporter of fish and seafood (in Norwegian only)

  • waste and discarded goods - require the necessary permits from the Norwegian Environment Agency
  • firearms, military equipment and other strategic goods - require a permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

If you are in any doubt whether your goods are covered by restrictions, Norwegian Customs will be able to help you find out the applicable regulations.

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