Setting up of a temporary or mobile workplace with a duration of more than 15 working days or 250 person-years.
The prior notice must be submitted to the Norwegian Labour lnspection Authority at the latest one week before the work starts.
The construction client must ensure that prior notice is submitted on a prescribed form if the work has a duration of more than 15working days or the scope of work is expected to exceed 250 person-days. If the construction client is a consumer, the prior notice must be submitted by the enterprise that is undertaking execution of the building or construction work.
In order to fill in this form, you will require a self-registered user or Altinn role of Completer / Submitter.
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority recommends logging in with an enterprise certificate, but you can log in as a “self-registered user”, and fill in this form by selecting “Proceed to alternative log-in methods” when you log in. There you can select “I do NOT have a personal ID number/D number”. On first login, set up a new user with a user name and password of your choice and provide an e-mail address. You can see which roles you have for an actor on the Access Management page.
Acquiring of information regarding a temporary or mobile workplace so that the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority has an overview of all objects subject to monitoring and can perform monitoring pursuant to the Act (Working Environment Act (WEA)).
Norwegian Regulations No. 1028 08 Mach relating to Safety, health and working environment on construction sites (Construction Client Regulations)
Prior notice must be submitted to the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority regarding building or construction work that will last more than 15 working days or if the scope of work is expected to exceed 250 person-days; see Section 10 of the Construction Client Regulations.
In the cases where the building or construction work does not exceed these limits, there is no obligation to submit prior notice. The form here must be used for the prior notice.
The construction client must ensure that the prior notice is posted at a visible location at the building/construction site. This prior notice must be updated when new enterprises are engaged on the project.
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's contact centre answers questions about filling in the form:
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