If you have a foreign education or professional qualification and wish to practice your profession in Norway, you generally need approval or authorisation. You will find information about documentation requirements, the application process and regulations here. The competent authority will assess whether you meet the requirements to practice the profession and use the professional title in Norway. If you intend to establish in Norway and work permanently in your chosen profession, the rules below apply to you. However, if you wish to work in Norway for shorter periods of time within your chosen profession, the rules for temporary provision of services apply.
Find the form at profapp.dsb.noThe application can be submitted by the professional or the employer. Please submit your application with attachments to the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB).
If you wish to establish yourself or work for an extended period in Norway within your profession, you must apply for recognition from the competent recognition authority before you can practice this profession in Norway.
Temporary provision of services:
You can work temporarily in this profession if you are already legally established in an EEA country or Switzerland and can practice the same profession in that country. To be able to work in this profession temporarily in Norway, you must submit a prior declaration to the competent authority (by applying for temporary recognition). This is because the practice of the profession may have serious implications for safety and health of the recipient of the service, and the competent authorities need to be able to verify that you are qualified to practice the profession before you start working.
The competent authority will assess whether they will allow professional practice without further scrutiny or conduct further scrutiny of your professional qualifications.
Documentation requirements for applications upon establishment:
To satisfy the requirements for documentation, you must attach a copy of your original documents. If the original documents are not written in English, Swedish and or Danish, these must be translated, primarily to English, secondary to Norwegian. Translation must be done by an authorized translator..
All attachments must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format.
If you are going to repair electro-medical devices classes IIa, IIb and III in Norway, you must be able to submit documentation of relevant education and relevant work experience so that we can assess your professional qualifications.
It is important that you specify which profession you want approval to practice in Norway.
You must submit the following documents with your application:
Documentation requirements for notification of temporary provision of service:
To satisfy the requirements for documentation, you must attach a copy of your original documents. If the original documents are not written in English, Swedish and or Danish, these must be translated, primarily to English, secondary to Norwegian. Translation must be done by an authorized translator.
All attachments must be in PDF, PNG or JPG format.
If you are going to repair electro-medical devices classes IIa, IIb and III in Norway, you must be able to submit documentation of relevant education and relevant work experience so that we can assess your professional qualifications.
It is important that you specify which profession you want approval to practice in Norway.
Notification of temporary provision of service must contain information about the nature and duration of the work (Project description). The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection determines whether the provision of services is of a temporary and occasional nature. In its assessment, particular importance is attached to the duration, frequency, regularity and continuity of the work.
You must submit the following documents with your application:
This profession falls under the professional group designated Person who has the professional responsibility for work related to electrical installations.
Language requirements:
Criteria/conditions for recognition:
The statutory qualification requirements related to the practice of the profession are stipulated in the regulations for electrical enterprises and qualification requirements for work related to electrical installations and electrical equipment (fek).
The statutory requirements for being entitled to recognition of professional qualification from abroad are stipulated in the Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Professional Qualifications Act) and the Regulation on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Professional Qualifications Regulation).
In general, more than one year of documented relevant practical experience after completing a relevant education is required.
Case processing deadlines:
The competent authority must acknowledge receipt of your application within one month of receiving it and inform you of any missing or incomplete documentation.
Following the submission of a complete application, the competent authority should complete processing your application within three months.
The competent authority shall, within one month of receiving the notification, determine whether you can start working without further scrutiny of your qualifications, or if you need to undergo a compensation measure.
If the competent authority needs more than one month to determine this, you shall be notified of the reason for the delay within one month after the notification was received. In such cases, the competent authority shall make a decision within two months after the reason for the delay has been resolved.
If the competent authority has not processed the application within these deadlines, you may practice the profession.
The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) does not charge a fee for processing notification of temporary provision of services or applications for recognition (establishment).
Right of appeal:
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the decision, you may appeal in writing, pursuant to Chapter VI of the Public Administration Act. If your application is processed in accordance with the Professional Qualifications Act, the right of appeal also applies if the competent authority has exceeded the case processing deadlines (see Case processing deadlines above).
The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB)
P.O. Box 2014
NO-3103 Tønsberg
E-mail: postmottak@dsb.no
Phone:(+47) 33 41 25 00
Visiting address: Rambergveien 9, 3115 Tønsberg