Simplified VAT scheme for e-commerce – registration (RF-1291)

Simplified VAT scheme for non-established vendors supplying remotely deliverable services and/or low value goods to consumers in Norway.

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The Norwegian Tax Administration is developing a new solution for VOEC (VAT On E-commerce). The portal will replace the existing solution, and from 1 January 2024, you must submit your VAT reports in the new solution. You may register in the new solution from December 4th 2023.

About this form

Non-established vendors supplying  remotely deliverable services and/or low value goods to consumers in Norway (B2C).

User name and password in Altinn

Self-identified user

Authentication level 0

Non-established vendors supplying remotely deliverable services and/or low  value goods to consumers in Norway (B2C) are subject to Norwegian VAT. 

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