This contact form is used by private individuals who wish to send an enquiry to the Norwegian Tax Administration. To make sure you get the best possible help, we need to know what you need help with.
Contact us private individuals
Find the form at skatteetaten.noSubmitted as necessary
Submission as a private individual: No restrictions.
Note that if the enquiry concerns circumstances linked to commercial activity (company/organisation), a different version of the form should be used:
Contact form - Norwegian Tax Administration (commercial)
This will ensure that the enquiry and subsequent receipt acknowledgement will also be visible to Altinn users with delegated rights for the company/organisation stated as the submitter of the form upon submission.
You should use the contact form if you wish to contact the Norwegian Tax Administration in writing. You will receive the reply via Altinn and be notified by text message and/or e-mail when it is sent out.
If you are not an e-user, you can in some cases receive the reply by letter in the post.
This form is defined with private rights, i.e. so that no one other than yourself will be able to view submitted enquiries, receipt acknowledgements and replies in Altinn.
The Tax Administration's professional service team will answer questions concerning filling out forms. Telephone: 800 80 000