Use this form if you are applying for a supplementary protection certificate for medicines or plant protection products. You can also use the form to apply for an extended validity period for a supplementary protection certificate for medicines.

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About this form

An application for a supplementary protection certificate must be sent to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office within six months from the day the first marketing authorisation for the product was granted in Norway, or if applicable from the date the patent was granted, if this is later. The issuance of a certificate can extend the term of protection by up to five years. The period of validity of the certificate is the time that has elapsed from the time the patent application was filed until the decision on the first authorisation to market the product within the EEA was notified, less five years.

An application for an extended period of validity can be submitted at the same time as an application for a certificate, or it can apply to a previously submitted application for a certificate or an already issued certificate.

According to general rules, an application for a six-month extension of the period of validity of a supplementary protection certificate must be submitted no later than two years before the expiry of the certificate. For holders of certificates that expire in the first years after the Paediatric Regulation enters into force in Norway, separate transitional rules have been issued.

According to the transitional rules, applications for an extension of the period of validity of a supplementary protection certificate in Norway must, until 1 September 2022, be submitted no later than six months before the expiry of the certificate. After this time, the general application deadline of no later than two years before the certificate expires, applies.

The six-month application deadline is in effect until 1 September 2022. Consequently, this deadline will apply to applications where the certificate expires on or before 1 March 2023.
The two-year deadline will apply if the certificate expires after 1 March 2023.

You can read more about supplementary protection certificates, including extension of their validity period, at the Norwegian Industrial Property Office.

You can apply as an individual or on behalf of an organisation. If you represent an organisation, you must have the Altinn role Patent, varemerke og design.

If you lack this role, you must have it delegated to you. See our help pages for guidance on roles and rights.

Payment upon submission
The form allows you to pay for the application when filing. You will find your receipt on Altinn's receipt page, which appears when you have filed the application. There you can also choose to have the receipt sent by e-mail or you can download it to your own PC.

Your application will be made public
Your application and all documents related to it will be published on our website. We generally shield sensitive and confidential information. You can ask us to exempt trade secrets from public disclosure. It is therefore important that you mark clearly any information in the application or attachments that you wish to be made exempt. We will then consider whether the information can be exempted from public disclosure.

Electronic communication
Once a letter from us is available in the Altinn inbox, we will send notification to the e-mail address given in the form. Invoices will, however, be sent to the postal address you have provided in the application. Please note that if you file the application on behalf of an organisation, you will receive a letter from us in the organisation's inbox.

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