Issues that can be addressed in this form:
- Company name complaint is used if you believe someone has registered a company name that can be confused with your distinctive company name or trademark.
- A protest is an objection to a filed application that is still under examination – i.e., before an exclusive right is granted.
- An opposition can be filed by anyone who believes that a right has been granted on incorrect grounds.
- Administrative review can be requested after the deadline for filing an opposition has expired.
- Re-establishment of rights even if you have failed to meet a due date is used if you have failed to meet a specific deadline and you have lost an application or a granted/registered right.
- An appeal to the Norwegian Board of Appeal for Industrial Property Rights (KFIR) is used if the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Patentstyret) has made a final decision that you disagree with. You send the appeal Patentstyret, which forwards it to KFIR.
- Administrative transfer is used to transfer an application from the original applicant to another who can document a better right to the application.
- You can claim cancellation of a registered trademark because your application has better priority, and this is confusable with the already registered mark.
- A claim for amendment of a trademark can be submitted if you are the owner of the mark.
- Administrative deletion of trademark registrations due to doubt about the existence of the owner, unknown address etc.
- Administrative patent limitation can be used if you, as the patent holder, wish to limit the protection of your patent.
Your form will become public
Your application and all the documents related to it will be published on our website. We generally shield sensitive and confidential information. You can ask us to exempt business secrets from public disclosure. It is therefore important that you clearly indicate what information in the form or attachments you wish us to exempt. We will then assess whether the information can be exempted from public disclosure.