All companies offering services related to manual car care, wheel change and wheel storage must apply to receive authorisation from the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet). It will be illegal to sell such services without authorisation.

The application form is only in Norwegian.


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About this form

All companies offering services related to manual car care, wheel change for cars and wheel storage, must apply for authorisation. What does it mean to provide manual car care, wheel changes, and wheel storage? (

Companies with and without employees have different authorisation requirements.

Attachments for companies with employees

If you are a company that has employees, you must include documentation confirming that you

  • satisfy safety representative (verneombud) requirements
  • are affiliated with an authorised occupational health service (bedriftshelsetjeneste)
  • have written employment contracts (arbeidsavtaler) for all employee groups
  • hold occupational injury insurance (yrkesskadeforsikring)
  • hold a valid discharge permit (utslippstillatelse) from the municipality if you are subject to Section 15-1 of the Pollution Regulations (forurensningsforskriften)

More information on the attachments and the contents of the application for companies with employees (

Attachments for companies without employees

If you are a company that does not have employees, you will only have to include documentation for a valid discharge permit (utslippstillatelse) from the municipality if you are subject to Section 15-1 of the Pollution Regulations (forurensningsforskriften).

More information on the attachments and the contents of the application for companies without employees (

Do you need assistance?

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's contact centre answers questions about filling in the form:

Contact centre

More information:

The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority

Open contact form