In order to run an audit firm in Norway, the firm must be approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. The form should be used by businesses (not sole proprietorships) intending to provide auditing services that require approval. The firm can apply for authorisation via the service (KRT-1062)
The form should be used by businesses that can document that the conditions for approval as an auditing firm are met.
No attachments are necessary.
To apply for personal authorisation as a state authorised auditor, you need to use the application form KRT-1019.
There are requirements for the business after approval is granted. Among other requirements, the business must appoint a quality management officer who holds a personal authorisation as a state authorised auditor. The company must also designate a state authorised auditor as responsible for each accounting assignment. Please consult the information on the Financial Supervisory Authority's website on permissions, choose supervision of statutory audit work (in Norwegian only).
Special provisions apply to audit firms from other EU/EEA countries seeking to operate in Norway. The company must appoint a responsible auditor who has Norwegian auditor approval, and the company must ensure registration in the Auditor Register at the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Form KRT-1062 should not be used in these cases. Applications should be sent to the email address The application must document that the company is approved and registered in a public auditor register in its home country.
There are no processing fees. However, auditing firms must pay an annual supervision fee after approval has been granted. Please refer to the information on the Financial Supervisory Authority's website regarding supervision fees (in Norwegian only)
Case Processing deadlines:
The Financial Supervisory Authority aims to process authorisation applications within 30 days. However, processing may take longer if the application is complex or lacks documentation. Processing time may also be extended if there are many cases to be handled. Therefore, some applicants may experience processing times longer than 30 days.
Right of appeal:
The decision of the Financial Supervisory Authority can be appealed. The appeal should be sent to the Financial Supervisory Authority. The appeals body is the Appeals Board for Auditor, Accountant, and Debt Collection Cases. The applicant has the right to access the case documents within the framework of the Public Administration Act §§ 18 to 19. The appeal must state which decision is being appealed, the desired change, and the reasons for the appeal. The Financial Supervisory Authority will conduct any investigations warranted by the appeal, and if the rejection is upheld, forward the appeal to the appeal body, cf. the Public Administration Act § 33.
The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway
P.O. Box 1187 Sentrum,
NO-0107 Oslo
Phone: (+47) 22 93 98 00
Office address: Revierstredet 3, 0151 Oslo