If you have a foreign education or professional qualification and wish to practice your profession in Norway, you generally need approval or authorisation. You will find information about documentation requirements, the application process and regulations here. The competent authority will assess whether you meet the requirements to practice the profession and use the professional title in Norway. If you intend to establish in Norway and work permanently in your chosen profession, the rules below apply to you. However, if you wish to work in Norway for shorter periods of time within your chosen profession, the rules for temporary provision of services apply.
Applications can only be submitted by the professional/individual. Please submit your application with attachments to the Norwegian Environment Agency.
If you wish to establish yourself or work permanently in Norway within your profession, you must apply for approval/authorization from the responsible approval authority before practicing this profession in Norway.
Temporary/occasional provision of service:
You can work temporarily in this profession if you are already legally established in an EEA country or Switzerland and are allowed to practice the same profession in that country. To work temporarily in this profession in Norway, you must submit a prior notification to the approval authority.
Documentation requirements for application upon establishment:
Documentation requirements in certain cases of temporary provision of services:
In some cases, documents that are not in English may have to be translated.
Authorisation as a taxidermist
Authorisation from the Norwegian Environment Agency is required in order to preserve game on a commercial basis, as well as wild animals subject to a registration requirement. Only individuals can be granted authorisation, not companies or other associations.
By preservation is meant any processing of dead game with a view to permanent conservation. Boiling and bleaching the skulls of animals that are legally hunted is not covered by the term, nor is furriery or tanning. By preservation on a commercial basis is meant any preservation carried out in return for a consideration, including any sale or transfer of ownership of game that the taxidermist has preserved him/herself.
The authorisation
The Norwegian Environment Agency, or a party authorised by the agency, can supervise authorised taxidermists, including inspecting stored game.
Language requirements:
Norwegian language skills are not a requirement for recognition of the professional qualification. It is expected that the professional has the language skills in Norwegian necessary to practice the regulated profession in Norway.
Please note that the professional is required to familiarise him/herself with Norwegian laws and regulations and be capable of using the database required to register game that is subject to a registration requirement. The database and pertaining documents are only available in Norwegian.
Criteria/conditions for recognition:
The statutory qualification requirements related to the practice of the profession are stipulated in the Regulations relating to the preservation of dead game.
The statutory requirements for being entitled to recognition of professional qualification from abroad are stipulated in the Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Professional Qualifications Act) and the Regulation on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Professional Qualifications Regulation).
Case processing deadlines:
The competent authority must acknowledge receipt of your application within one month of receiving it and inform you of any missing or incomplete documentation.
Following the submission of a complete application, the competent authority should complete processing your application within three months.
You can practice your profession after you have sent the notification with required documents to the competent authority.
The Norwegian Environment Agency does not charge a fee for processing applications for recognition.
Right of appeal:
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the decision, you may appeal in writing, pursuant to Chapter VI of the Public Administration Act. If your application is processed in accordance with the Professional Qualifications Act, the right of appeal also applies if the competent authority has exceeded the case processing deadlines (see Case processing deadlines above).
P.O. Box 5672 Sluppen,
NO-7485 Trondheim
E-mail: post@miljodir.no
Phone: (+47) 03400 / 73 58 05 00
Visiting address:
Brattørkaia 15, 7010 Trondheim
Grensesvingen 7, 0661 Oslo