The application is to be submitted electronically via Altinn.
The deadline for submission of a verified report for quota emissions is 31 March of the following year. The report must be submitted to the verifier well before the deadline.
Quota-regulated enterprises.
Entities subject to quotas are responsible for ensuring that their licence is always current. Changes that are not substantial pursuant to para.1 of the licence, cf. Art. 15 of the MR Regulation, can be accumulated and submitted by 31 December of the same year.
You must log in to Altinn by using MinID, BankID, Buypass or Commfides.
In order to access the service, you need the Altinn role “Energy, environment and climate”. You can see what roles you have for an organisation number on the Access Management page.
If you do not have this role, you must ask someone who does have it to delegate it to you.
This role can be delegated to an organisation and a person.
Norwegian Regulations No. 1851 of 23 December 2004 relating to quota obligations and trading in emissions quotas for greenhouse gases (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations)
Application for a licence for quota-regulated emissions and for application/notification regarding amendment of the licence.
Form for annual reporting of quota-regulated emissions that shall go via a verifier and be submitted with a verification report as an attachment to the form.
Quota-regulated enterprises shall use an application form for a licence for quota emissions. The form shall also be used for an application/notification for amendment of the licence.
Quota-regulated enterprises must submit an annual report on quota emissions. The form is submitted first to a verifier. When the verification report is ready, it is to be uploaded as an attachment to the form and submitted.
Jannicke Øen
Henrik Norgaard
Øivind Hellerdal Rasmussen