This form is to be used in connection with checks when the Norwegian Tax Administration requests the electronic log on a standard form stipulated by the Directorate of Taxes.
Start serviceThis form is to be used in connection with checks when the Norwegian Tax Administration requests the electronic log on a standard form
stipulated by the Directorate of Taxes. In this case: SAF-T Kassasystem (SAF-T Cash Register). For more information, see: or for code lists and XML forms.
This form is to be used in connection with checks when the Norwegian Tax Administration requests the electronic log on a standard form stipulated by the Directorate of Taxes.
Altinn must be used when submitting SAF-T Cash Register files to the Norwegian Tax Administration.
To complete this form, you will need the Altinn role Accountant, Assistent auditor or Accountant without signatory right. Signing the form requires the role Limited signatory right, Reporter/Sender or Accountant with signatory right.
If the company is subject to auditing, the role Auditor in charge is required.
If you do not have these roles, you must get someone who does to delegate them to you. See our help pages for information about roles and rights.
Only valid national ID numbers/D numbers and organisation numbers may be used to log in.
This service requires logging on with security level 3.
Obligation to submit SAF-T Cash Register files as a result of checks which follow from Section 10-1 of the Tax Administration Act§10-1
The attachment must be in XML format or packed in a ZIP file. Each individual file that is attached can be a maximum of 200 Mb (after packing to ZIP). It is normally always recommended that XML files be packed to ZIP format.
The Norwegian Tax Administration's user support can help you with questions related to the completion of forms.
Telephone 800 80 000