This contact form is used by private individuals wishing to access their personal data pursuant to the Data Protection Act. To make sure you get the best possible help, we need to know what you need help with.
You can use this form when you would like to ask for access to your personal data pursuant to the Data Protection Act.
Private individuals can file the form to access personal data regarding themselves, minors under their care, and persons otherwise legally represented by them (a fully executed power of attorney has to be attached).
You will receive a reply through Altinn, e-mail or a text message alert on your telephone.
You may also receive the reply by ordinary mail if you are not registered as an online user.
This form is defined with private rights so that submitted enquiries and subsequent receipt acknowledgements and replies will only be visible to you in Altinn.
The Norwegian Tax Administration's user support can help you with questions related to the completion of forms.
Telephone 800 80 000