If you find out that you've given incorrect or insufficient information in the tax return, you no longer need to appeal in order to correct the information. You can change the information yourself by submitting a correction.

The form for 2021 can be found here

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You must use this correction notice if you wish to amend your tax return for the  2021 income year. The option to make the changes yourself applies only to the last three income years.

Errors in tax returns for earlier years (2020 and earlier) can only be amended by sending an appeal to the Norwegian Tax Administration (RF-1117), and not by using this correction notice.

About this form

The option to make changes yourself applies from the 2021 income year onwards. Errors in a tax return for the 2020 income year or earlier can only be changed by submitting an appeal to the Tax Administration, and not by submitting a correction.

Use this form to send a correction if you

• are a wage earner, pensioner or self-employed

Have you received a notification or decision from the tax office concerning a change under one or more items in your tax return for 2021 that you now want to change yourself?

• In that case, you must not use this method of correction.

What should I do then?

• If you do not agree with the notification of change that you've received, you must send a reply to the tax office

• If you do not agree with the decision of change that you've received, you must send an appeal to the tax office

If you're a wage earner or a pensioner, the deadline for submitting changes for the 2021 income year is 30 April 2025.

If you're self-employed, the deadline for submitting changes for the 2021 income year for self-employed persons is 31 May 2025.


In order to complete this form, you need the Altinn role Accounting employee, Assistant auditor or Accountant without signing rights. Signing the form requires the role Declarant/submitter, Limited signing rights or Accountant with signatory right or Auditor in charge.

If you do not have these roles, you must ask someone who does to delegate them to you. See our help pages for information about roles and rights.



Do you need assistance?

The Norwegian Tax Administration's user support can help you with questions related to the completion of forms.

Telephone 800 80 000

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