The form is meant for submitting necessary information and documentation when the self-service solution cannot be used.

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About this form

Private individuals and businesses can register or change a bank account number for tax refunds by going to "Register or change bank account number for payments from the Norwegian Tax Administration" on This is a simple and quick solution.

In some cases, this solution will not be available. In that case, you can fill out and submit this form and attach necessary documentation. The Norwegian Tax Administration will process the case and register the bank account number as requested.

The form can be used by private individuals and businesses. You can register a bank account number:

  • for you as heir (estates of deceased account)
  • that is not yours (proxy account)
  • for a foreign bank account without an IBAN

If you register on behalf of someone else, you'll need one of the following roles in Altinn:

You can check which roles you have to act on someone else's behalf on the page Profile, roles and rights. If you do not have one of these roles, you must have one delegated to you. Delegation of roles for enterprises can be done by an enterprise's general manager, chairman of the board or the owner.

The form should be used to give The Norwegian Tax Administration the information and documentation necessary for registering bank account numbers for tax refunds. Private individuals and businesses can register or change a bank account number for tax refunds by going to "Register or change bank account number for payments from the Norwegian Tax Administration" on

Do you need asstistance?

The Tax Administration's professional service team will answer questions concerning filling out forms.
Telephone: 800 80 000

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