This form is used if you have a rental/leasing vehicle which will be used in Norway for a pre-defined, limited period and wish to pay proportional one-off registration tax.
Start serviceEnterprises of the type 'Norwegian-registered foreign enterprise' (NUF) cannot submit forms via Altinn.
Contact the Norwegian Tax Administration to request the form.
You can call 800 80 000 between 8.00am and 3.30pm on weekdays.
In order to complete this form, you need to have the Altinn role Utfyller/Innsender, Regnskapsmedarbeider, Revisormedarbeider or Regnskapsfører uten signeringsrett.
In order to sign this form, you need to have the Altinn role Begrenset signeringsrettighet or Regnskapsfører med signeringerett
If your company needs an accountant, you need to have the Altinn role Revisorrettighet or Ansvarlig revisor.
If you do not have the necessary rights, you must get someone who has the role to delegate it to you.Please observe our help pages regarding roles and rights.
It is possible to pay a proportional one-off registration tax for rental/leasing vehicles which will be used in Norway for a contractually specified period of up to five years. If the period changes, a further application must be submitted no later than 14 days before the end of the period. The vehicle must be de-registered at the end of the agreement period.
The Norwegian Tax Administration's user support can help you with questions related to the completion of forms.
Telephone 800 80 000