A legal aid provider is a lawyer registered with the Supervisory Council for Legal Practice, who is authorized to provide legal assistance in Norway. The business must be registered with the Supervisory Council for Legal Practice. A legal aid provider cannot provide legal assistance during legal proceedings unless they have the right to act as a counsel or defender under the law or with specific permission from the court in each individual case.
Notification of registration as a legal aid provider, with attachments, is sent to the Supervisory Council for Legal Practice.
The following documentation should be attached to the notification:
Norwegian Act No 05 of 13 August 1915 relating to the courts of justice (the Courts of Justice Act) Section 218 (2) cf. and section 219 (1)
Application for a permit to offer legal assistance for persons with a law degree, cf. the Courts of Justice Act Section 218 second paragraph (1).
When the notification of registration as a legal aid provider is received by the Supervisory Council, you will be contacted with information on what needs to be arranged before the business can start. An invoice for the payment of contributions to the Supervisory Council will also be sent out simultaneously.
You will only be registered as a legal aid provider when the statutory collateral has been provided, contributions have been paid, and a declaration of willingness from the auditor has been received by the Supervisory Council.
To be registered as a legal aid provider, a legal degree or a master's degree in law is required.
To practice legal aid services in Norway, one must have or be part of a business established in Norway.
Separate rules apply to persons who have been educated abroad/hold foreign certificates. If you have a foreign education or professional qualification and wish to practice your profession in Norway you can find more information here.
Processing deadlines:
The Supervisory Council for Legal Practice shall confirm receipt of your application within one month of its receipt and notify you of any missing documents or lacks in the application.
The Supervisory Council for Legal Practice shall have completed the processing of the application within three months after receiving all required information and documentation.
No fee for application or processing.
Contribution to the Supervisory Council for Legal Aid Providers:
The contribution amount for legal aid providers was NOK 2,800 in 2023.
The amount must be paid before the business starts. If the notification of commencement is submitted after June 30th, only half of the contribution is paid.
Right of appeal:
When the Supervisory Council for Legal Practice has made a decision, you have the opportunity to appeal this in accordance with section 225(4) of the Courts Act. The rules in Chapter VI of the Public Administration Act apply to the appeals process, see section 225(8) of the Courts Act.
The Supervisory Council for Legal Practice
P.O. box 720 Sentrum
0106 Oslo
E-mail: Post@tilsynet.no
Telephone: +47 22 00 75 00
Visiting address: Rådhusgaten 23, second floor