If you plan to construct a new cableway, you must have an operating license from the Norwegian Railway Authority. Notice of the construction of a new cableway must be sent before construction commences.
Norwegian Railway Authority - License to operate new cableway (in Norwegian only)
Anyone intending to construct and operate a new cableway.
Information regarding the application process and information on the documentation that must be enclosed can be found in the article from the Norwegian Railway Authority concerning licenses to operate new cableways.
Notice of start-up must be sent before a construction application is sent to the planning and building authorities. This notice should be sent as early as possible to enable the Norwegian Railway Authority to provide guidance regarding the requirements in the regulations and to allocate resources for processing the application.
An application for an operating license should be sent in sufficient time before work is scheduled to commence.
An annual fee is charged for all cableways with an operating license.
Norwegian Railway Authority - annual fees and prices