The form is used in connection with applications for:
• Approval of supervisory body for periodic vehicle inspections
Statens vegvesen - søk om godkjenning som verksted/kontrollorgan (in Norwegian only)
• Personal approval as inspectors
Statens vegvesen - krav til personlig godkjenning for kontrollører (in Norwegian only)
The following documentation shall be enclosed with the application:
The applicant must be able to document that designated persons have the required qualifications and practice. It must also be documented that premises, tools and equipment meet the requirements of the regulations.
The technical manager must have personal approval, which requires a professional certificate and relevant practical experience for the category of approval being sought, in accordance with the Regulation on Periodic Inspection of Vehicles § 11.
For inspectors, requirements for personal approval apply, as per the Regulation on Periodic Inspection of Vehicles § 12. To obtain personal approval, it must be documented through a professional certificate that one has basic competence relevant to the type of approval sought, submit a regular police certificate, and complete inspector training.
Case processing deadlines:
Applications for approval of testing centre and applications for personal approval as an inspector or technical manager shall be processed within one month. The processing time starts from the moment the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has received all necessary documentation in the case. If it is not possible to process the case within one month, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration shall provide the applicant with a preliminary notice with information about when the case can be expected to be completed.
Right of appeal:
There is a right to appeal in approval cases. The applicant can appeal the decision of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in accordance with the provisions of the Public Administration Act.
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration
P.O. Box 1010 Nordre Ål
Phone: (+47) 22 07 30 00