Licence to trade in firearms, firearm parts and ammunition

Anyone wishing to trade firearms, firearm components and/or ammunition must first apply for a licence from the local police district.

About this form

The following documentation shall be enclosed with the application:

Documentation of professional qualifications.
Documentation of necessary registrations and certificates.
In addition, a description of the applicant's storage and commercial premises shall be enclosed, which makes it possible to determine whether they meet the requirements that apply from time to time relating to fire safety, explosion hazard and theft.
Documentation that the commercial premises are approved for business activities must be provided.


The licence is conditional on prior registration in the Register of Business Enterprises.

The applicant is required to register with the Norwegian VAT Register within three months.

The commercial premises are required to meet the requirements of the Planning and Building Act. More information can be obtained from the local municipality.

The applicant is required to have at least two years' practice from a firearms outlet or to have passed a course approved by the National Police Directorate of Norway.

Applicants must be at least 21 years old.

The applicant is required to have a record of good conduct and be a suitable candidate.


A fee is charged for processing the application.  The licence fee shall either be enclosed with the application or paid within two weeks of the licence being granted.

Further information about the scheme is available on the Norwegian Police Services' website.

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