Any person/enterprise that wishes to be assigned an object identifier can apply to the Norwegian Communications Authority.
Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) - Allocation of object identifiers (in Norwegian only)
Organisations that wish to be assigned an object identifier.
The purpose of having a Norwegian recommendation for the allocation of object identifiers is to ensure there are globally unique identifiers that can be used in connection with all open data communication. Global uniqueness is ensured through recognised and cooperating registration authorities that assign object identifiers to stakeholders.
Act relating to electronic communication (Electronic Communications Act) (in Norwegian only)
In cooperation with stakeholders, the Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) has prepared the document "Allocation of object identifiers in Norway". The document has been assigned the status of "Norwegian Recommendation". The allocation scheme is voluntary, and there are no laws or regulations requiring the recommendation to be followed.
The recommendation defines how the allocation and registration of object identifiers takes place in Norway.
When allocating an object identifier, the recipient of the identifier must pay a fee to Nkom. The fee shall cover Nkom's administrative costs in connection with the allocation of the object identifier.
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