In order to use frequencies on the electromagnetic frequency spectrum, a license from the Norwegian Communications Authority is required before you get started.
Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) - How to apply for frequency licenses (in Norwegian only)
Find the form at nkom.noPersons/enterprises that intend to apply for a frequency license.
Any documentation requirements are stipulated in the application form.
Nkom issues continually issues transmitter licenses based on applications that have been received. Frequencies are normally allocated to anyone that applies because there are sufficient frequency resources available. Transmitter licenses are granted on different frequency bands which, among other things, are planned for radio line, satellite uplink, private mobile radio (PMR) and certain low-efficiency systems.
A frequency fee must be paid. Information regarding the estimated fee is provided by Nkom.
Individual decisions can be appealed by a party or other party with a legal interest to appeal in the case.
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