Specific licence to install and operate facilities for transport and utilisation of petroleum

About this form

Applications must be sent to the Ministry of Energy.

When the right to install and operate facilities does not follow from an approved development and operations plan pursuant to Section 4-2 of the Petroleum Activities Act, a specific licence can be applied for.

Plans for the construction, location, operation and use of facilities in connection with the petroleum deposits must be enclosed with the application. More detailed requirements for the content of plans are set out in the Petroleum Activities Act Section 4-2.

The Ministry may, subject to specific conditions, grant a specific licence to install and operate facilities for the transport and utilisation of petroleum.

Upon granting a licence or subsequently, the Ministry may decide that the licensee shall provide such security as approved by the Ministry for fulfilment of the obligations the licensee has undertaken, as well as for possible liability in connection with the petroleum activities.

A licence can be granted for a fixed period of time, and can be extended by the Ministry on application from the licensee.


Further permits, approvals and consents of smaller scope are required from authorities during the licence period.

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