Acquisition of waterfalls

In order to utilise water to produce electricity, a developer must have ownership rights to the waterfall. A non-state developer must hold a license under the Waterfall Rights Act in order to acquire such rights. The Act does not apply to small-scale power plants without a regulation system.

Act relating to licenses for the rights to waterfalls etc. (Waterfall Rights Act) - Section 12. Content of the application (in Norwegian only)



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Anyone wishing to acquire a waterfall.

A license is required to acquire a waterfall because the country's hydropower resources belong to and must be managed in the best interests of the general public.

Act relating to licenses for the rights to waterfalls etc. (Waterfall Rights Act) - Section 2. Acquisition of waterfalls that requires a license (in Norwegian only)


A license is required from the Ministry of Energy to acquire waterfalls.

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