Application for license for local FM radio (ME-4007) (ME-4007)

A license from the Norwegian Media Authority is required to operate local radio services. You can apply for a license for general local radio, regular local radio, 24/7 local radio or community radio.

The Norwegian Media Authority - starting FM radio (in Norwegian only)

About this form

Anyone who wishes to operate local radio services on the FM network.

Documentation requirements are stipulated in the application form.

Before applying, you must:

  1. Determine whether you intend to engage in 24/7 radio, general local radio or community radio.
  2. Ensure that there are no local radio services in the area in which you plan to start radio services or that there is available transmission time on the transmission network you are applying for.

As a general rule, new FM licenses may be issued in areas that have no local radio services or where there is available transmission network capacity allocated to a specific type of radio service.

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