Enterprises that are planning to use biological agents in their work must notify the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet) no later than 30 days before the work starts.
This form is only available in Norwegian.
Start serviceAll enterprises that plan to actively use biological agents in their work must use this form. Both main entities and sub-units in the enterprise can submit the form.
The obligation to report applies to the first use of biological agents in risk groups 2, 3 and 4.
For work with biological agents in risk group 4, you must also report each new biological agent you plan to work with.
Laboratories that carry out diagnostics of biological agents in risk group 4 are only required to submit a notification the first time they work with such an agent.
You must also submit a new notification if you make significant changes to processes or procedures that are of importance to health, safety and the environment, and which make a previous notification obsolete.
See guidance on notification of work with biological agents (only in Norwegian,
Attachments that must be included with the notification:
You can also attach other relevant documentation.
More about the attachments and the content of the notification (only in Norwegian,
The purpose of this notification requirement is for the Labour Inspection Authority to know that:
The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's contact centre answers questions about filling in the form:
More information: