Service for applying for authorization as a veterinary nurse from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. 

You must have authorization from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority before you can practice (work) as a veterinary nurse in Norway.

Veterinary health personnel: How to apply for authorization and license | Norwegian Food Safety Authority (in Norwegian only)

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About this form

This form is for those who wish to practice as a veterinary nurse in Norway and need authorization for this.

It is a regulatory requirement that you must have authorization from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to practice as a veterinary nurse in Norway.

The following documents shall be enclosed with the application:

Diplomas or other documentation from an educational institution showing clearly that applicant has undergone adequate education, or certificate of qualification from a competent public authority (authorisation document).

Documentation of date of birth and personal ID number, and, if applicable, documentation of change of name and citizenship.

Special attachments are required in the case of: 

Applicants who have completed their education abroad more than one year ago.

If you have an education as animal health staff from an EEA country, you can get an authorization. One of the terms are that you are a citizen of an EEA country. If your foreign qualification certificate does not meet the requirements in the Regulation, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority may require that you go through a test of competence in order to obtain authorization.

Applicants who have studied in countries outside the EU/EEA must enclose:

Description of the different subjects and scope of the subjects in the study programme, translated into English or Norwegian.

Statement from The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills; "General approval of foreign higher education".

For further information about specific requirements, see the Norwegian Food Safety Authority's website.

It is a regulatory requirement that you must have authorization from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to practice as a veterinary nurse in Norway.

Norwegian Act relating to veterinarians and other animal health personnel(in Norwegian only)
Norwegian Regulations relating to veterinary nurses Section 2(in Norwegian only)
Norwegian Regulations relating to the right to work as animal health personnel or insemination personnel under the EEA Agreement Section 3-1(in Norwegian only)


The applicant must have sufficient education from Norway (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), EU-documented education, or education from a third country that corresponds to the Norwegian educational requirements.

Applicants must be less than 75 years old. 
The applicant must be suitable for the job.

National regulations related to the practice of the profession are stipulated in the Act relating to Veterinarians and Other Animal Health Personnel and Regulations No 77 of 19 January 2009 relating to the right to work as animal health personnel or inseminator under the EEA Agreement.

Case processing deadlines:

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority must acknowledge receipt of your application within one month of receiving it and inform you of any missing or incomplete documentation.

Following the submission of a complete application, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority should complete processing your application within three months.

Temporary/occasional provision of service:
You can practice your profession any time after you have notified the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and provided the necessary documents.


The Norwegian Food Safety Authority does not charge a fee for processing applications for authorisation.

Right of appeal:

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the decision, you may appeal in writing, pursuant to Chapter VI of the Public Administration Act.

Competent authority:

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority
P.O. Box 383
NO-2381 Brumunddal

Telephone: +47 22 40 00 00

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