License to manage alternative investment funds (AIF)

As a general rule, the management of alternative investment funds can be carried out subject to a license from the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Alternative investment funds (AIF) cover a wide range of different types of collective investments and include everything from "national securities funds" to real estate funds, private equity funds and hedge funds. Managers of alternative investment funds that manage funds with total capital under management that does not exceed certain thresholds are exempt from the license requirement, but must be registered in a register that is kept by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway - License for AIF manager (in Norwegian only)

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Anyone wanting to engage in portfolio management and risk management of alternative investment funds.

The “Guide for applications to manage alternative investment funds” contains further information about the application requirements and what to enclose with the application.

The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway - Guide for applications to manage alternative investment funds (in Norwegian only)

Managers that manage alternative investment funds with total capital under management that does not exceed certain thresholds are exempt from the license requirement. The threshold for a license requirement is set at an amount in Norwegian kroner that is equivalent to:

  • EUR 500 million when the portfolio consists of alternative investment funds that are not leveraged and which have no right of redemption for a period of five years from the date of the initial investment in each fund, or
  • EUR 100 million for types of alternative investment funds other than those referred to above.

Managers of alternative investment funds that manage funds with total capital under management that does not exceed certain thresholds are exempt from the license requirement, but must be registered in a register that is kept by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway - Obligation to register for managers of alternative investment funds (AIF)

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