Dispensation from weighing obligation – transport of fish (FD0028) (FD0028)

Vessels of less than 15 meters in overall length may be granted a temporary exemption from the obligation to weigh their catch. The exemption may be granted if there are no approved first-hand buyers or site where the fish can be landed and when the vessel has a disproportionately long distance to the reception facility in comparison with transport by motor vehicle. The exemption entails that the obligation to weigh the catch is postponed until the fisherman and catch arrive at the reception facility. The fisherman must personally drive/accompany the catch to the reception facility.

Exemption from the obligation to weigh when transporting fish


About this form

The form must be used when applying for an exemption from the obligation to weigh for the transport of fish.

When assessing whether an exemption shall be granted, emphasis is placed on factors such as local weather conditions, whether the vessel has to pass through exposed areas and the travel time to the closest reception facility from the catch area.

Exemption from the obligation to weigh when transporting fish

Do you need assistance?

The Directorate of Fisheries will answer questions regarding the form.

Telephone 03495 or e-mail: postmottak@fiskeridir.no

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