Approval is required to run a private primary school. Here, you will find information on the requirements that apply and how to apply for approval.
Please apply by e-mail to the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.
The following criteria/conditions must be met in order to be granted authorisation:
Complete curricula shall be enclosed with the application.
An overview of the provisions of the Training Act from which exemption is sought shall be provided.Confirmation that the requirements of the Training Act will otherwise be complied with shall be provided.
Approval is granted to all applicants that meet the requirements of the Training Act Section 2-12 second and third paragraphs.
The Directorate for Education and Training shall prepare and decide on the case without undue delay.
Applicants should expect extended processing times if the submitted application is incomplete. The processing time for the application may be up to 4 months from the point at which the application is complete – meaning all necessary documents have been received by the Directorate for Education and Training, cf. the Service Act § 11.
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training does not charge a fee for processsing the application.
Right of appeal:
The applicant has the right to appeal the decision. This is done in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Administration Act. The Ministry of Education processes the appeal. The appeal deadline is 3 weeks after the decision has been received.
Here, you will find some more information on the requirements that apply and how to apply for approval:
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
P.O. Box. 9359 Grønland
Phone: (+47) 23 30 12 00