Grants from this scheme are limited to a duration of three years, from the first quarter of 2017 to the first quarter of 2020. Payments on awards of the grant made before the last date of the duration of the scheme may continue until 2022.
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To fill out this form you have to have a role called Utfyller/Innsender eller være selvregistrert bruker.
You can see what roles you have, on the site Profile, .
If you do not have this role, you need to get someone who has the role to delegate it to you.
If you are unfamiliar with reporting to Altinn, go to the help pages.
Applications must be submitted with a minimum of one required attachments: Financial analysis.
The objective of the aid scheme for short sea shipping is to encourage a modal shift of freight from road to water, hereby reducing the external costs of transport on Norwegian roads. The aid is set up to give aid directly to shipowners who can, based on a detailed business plan concerning a new route or the upgrading of services on an existing one, document that the aid will lead to modal shift from road to sea, without diverting the maritime transport in a way which is contrary to the common interest.