About this form

The application is to be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority - Norway,

Postboks 243,
8001 Bodø

The person who wishes to construct, own or operate a landing ground for aircraft. 

The requirements for attachments are described in Norwegian Regulations No. 40 of 11 January 2007 relating to a concession for landing grounds (BSL E 1-1)

The concession regulates the framework conditions for owning and operating landing grounds and is intended to protect the public interest. 

Norwegian Act No. 101 of 11 June 1993 relating to civil aviation (Civil Aviation Act)

Norwegian Regulations No. 40 of 11 January 2007 relating to a concession for landing grounds (BSL E 1-1)

A person who wishes to construct, own or operate a landing ground must have a concession from the Civil Aviation Authority - Norway.

The concession must be granted before the work of constructing the landing ground is started. If the landing ground has been constructed earlier and usage is to be resumed, the concession is to be granted before the landing ground is taken into use. 

A concession will be granted if the construction/operation of the landing ground is not contrary to the public interest. In order to determine this, the application shall be distributed for comment to local authorities, the municipality and County Governor. In some cases the circle of consultative bodies is extended to several municipalities as well as the County authority. 


Requirements of the applicant:

The person applying for a concession must have the exclusive right to use the area as a landing ground. A concession for a landing ground for public use is as a rule granted for a period of 20 years. A concession for a landing ground for private use is as a rule granted for a period of 10 years. 

The Regulations regarding fees to the Civil Aviation Authority etc. are adjusted annually. 

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