Security clearance – Issuance, renewal and amendment of rights.
The application is to be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority - Norway,
Postboks 243,
8001 Bodø
Everyone who shall operate flight training.
Documentation related to the rights applied for (manuals, etc.)
The application form shall be used for granting of rights.
Norwegian Act No. 101 of 11 June 1993 relating to civil aviation (Civil Aviation Act), Sections 4-1, 4-10 and 15-4
Norwegian Regulations No. 488 of 7 May 2015 relating to continuous airworthiness etc. (Maintenance Regulations)
Norwegian Regulations No. 252 S of 4 March 2013 relating to airworthiness and environmental certification for aircraft etc., and certification of design and production organisations (Certification Regulations)
Norwegian Regulations No. 956 of 7 August 2013 relating to aviation operations