All enterprises that sell, lease out or use solariums for cosmetic purposes must notify the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA).
DSA - Registration duty for enterprises and solariums (in Norwegian only)
Anyone who intends to sell, lease out or use solariums for cosmetic use.
An overview of the necessary documentation and enclosures can be found on the DSA website.
The requirements in the Radiation Protection Regulations apply to all "enterprises offering tanning in solariums", whether this be in a tanning salon, as part of another enterprise or for rental to private individuals or workplaces. This also includes other enterprises that rent solariums from other enterprises and then offer tanning services to others. Other enterprises may include gyms, hotels or similar.
It is prohibited for enterprises to offer solariums to persons under the age of 18 years and the enterprise must have an adequate system for age control.
DSA - Information to the solarium owner (in Norwegian only)
Requirement for passing knowledge exam
The enterprise must ensure that the person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of solariums and employees with customer contact have passed a knowledge exam in accordance with the guidelines issued by DSA.