Registering radiation sources

Enterprises that use radiation sources which must be registered pursuant to the Radiation Protection Regulations or possibly the requirements set for approvals for each individual enterprise, must notify the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) of the acquisition and use of this.

DSA - Registration of radiation sources (in Norwegian only)

About this form

Enterprises that have to register radiation sources.

Enterprises that acquire, lease out, use or handle x-ray apparatus, accelerators and radioactive sources above the exemption limit values in the annex to the Radiation Protection Regulations, and that are not subject to authorisation pursuant to Section 9 or 10 of the Radiation Protection Regulations, must give notice to the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. Enterprises that sell, acquire, lease out or use solariums for cosmetic purposes must also give notice to the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. The same applies to enterprises that lease out, acquire, use or handle laser class 4 and intense pulsed light (IPL).

The radiation sources shall not be used before the enterprise has received confirmation regarding the registration. The registration must be submitted electronically, and contain the information necessary for the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority to evaluate whether the activity is subject to registration.

In the registration system, each radiation source is assigned a unique ID to which updated information regarding ownership and location is linked throughout the lifetime of the radiation source.

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